Tips for Damaged Hair

Not everyone believes they have their ideal hair! Pollution, hormonal changes, improper haircare products, and overheating while styling can harm hair and cause it to become brittle and thin. These are the 6 things you should quit doing if you have thin, fine hair.

Habits to give up if you have Thin Hair
Tips for Damaged Hair
  1. Refrain from Daily Heat Styling: Regularly using hot tools is bad for all hair types, but it’s especially bad if you have thin hair. However, those who are thin should refrain from using too many blow dries and excessive straightening. Your hair will appear thinner than it actually is as a result.
  2.  Using Oil-Based Pomade or Gel-Based Spray: The more oil-based or gel-based sprays you use in your hair, the more they will cause your hair to cling together and appear thinner. Any of these two alternatives can be substituted with a texturizing spray.
  3. Excessive Oil: You cannot make thin hair thick by applying oil continuously. You risk developing dandruff and more hair loss if you do not thoroughly wash the oil out of your hair. Make careful you only oil once a week and with a minimal amount. Your hair won’t get excessively thick right away if you use too much oil. Use oil regularly.
  4. Use tablets for hair growth: Although not strictly a hair care product, people do take pills for a variety of hair-related ailments. Hair growth supplements may have a number of adverse effects and won’t miraculously make your hair thick.
  5. Choosing Hair Thickening Products: The market is filled with goods from prestigious companies that claim to thicken hair. All of these products are loaded with chemicals, and the majority of them don’t work. The majority of these thickening shampoos contain hydrolyzed protein, which only produces short-term effects. You are wasting your money if you believe that using these shampoos would provide you with a permanent solution.
  6. Using chemical-laden hair care products: If you regularly use hair masks, serums, and other products that are loaded with chemicals, your hair will never get better. Your hair will become more damaged the more chemicals you apply to it. So stay away from using too many hair care products and stick to the fundamental, chemical-free products.

Moreover, be sure the shampoo and conditioner you use are gentle and effective at cleaning your scalp. Also, avoid overusing conditioner or using it every day. Because conditioner is ultimately loaded with chemicals, try using less of it.

A DIY hair mask might be something to try. Use a basic banana mask or a curd mask to condition the hair to keep things simple. Get more health and beauty tips at Beauty Croma.